1st Ending Volta Playback after a simple D.S. Repeat Feature...
First of all, Hello and good evening to all developers.
Secondly, sorry for this sudden topic.
Because I can't wait no longer.
The reason?
I'm having a problem about a copyrighted liturgical music sheet that i'm encoding to musescore.
Oh by the way, i do not have the intention of tampering the score or whatsoever. I just want to "fill-in-the-blanks" the music score because it only has a piano introduction. AS IN. Only PIANO INTRO. So what i have done is fill-up the rest with my own notes but still based on it's piano intro notes. As usual for me, i encode the score (based on how it was arranged by the composer) into the program. Okay just a little note there, i only intend to hear what will be the outcome voices of all our music scores i encoded because i can't tell quickly enough what tone those notes have when i look at it (although i can read notes.... slowly unfortunately T_T).
Oh, i forgot to tell. I don't have the musescore version of the music sheet so i just downloaded an mscz file from one of the topics here (unfortunately i can't see any relevant topic to my problem, or i'm just too much in a hurry), and edited the content based on what i expected to behave from the one i encoded.
Enuf said.
As i've said earlier, i just downloaded and edited an mscz file from one of the topics here to be used as a sample to my problem. but here are the details of it:
Title of the Copyrighted Liturgical Music Sheet: INTROIT (Psalm 100) by Ryan Cayabyab (A Filipino Composer)
Title of the one i downloaded and edited as a sample: The Dark Girl Dressed In Blue_0.mscz (Attached File)
The score starts with a piano introduction followed by the chorus. The 3/4 of the chorus contains a "start" and "end repeat" sign (barline), with a "1st ending volta" on the measure with "end repeat", then the "2nd ending volta" was applied to the remaining part of the chorus followed by the 1st verse of the song. After the 1st verse is played, "D.S." is placed on it's last measure (1st verse), and a "segno" sign is placed on the 1st measure of chorus with "start repeat". This process runs as expected, then the problem starts here.
Expected behavior:
I was expecting that the whole chorus will be played again after a D.S. repeat
D.S. > Start Repeat > 1st Ending Volta > End Repeat > Start Repeat > Skip 1st Ending Volta > Jumps through 2nd Ending Volta
Actual Behavior:
After D.S. repeat, playbacks starts with Start Repeat but skips "1st engin volta" and jumps to "2nd ending volta".
This is the problem i'm encountering right now on a music piece I'm working on. I can't seem to play the 1st ending volta again when a chorus must be played or repeated once more if needed. I tried "D.S. al fine" and place "Fine" on measure with "End Repeat" but to no avail.
I've attached two files (the one i've downloaded and edited for sample), one is the mscz file itself and the other is a png file, just for basis. I just want to know if there's already a solved topic about this kind of problem, cause i really can't see any. I've searched for about 10 minutes but to no avail, so i giveup and ends in here.
I apologize for posting such an urgent topic (for me) cause we needed this music piece by Sunday? That's on 12 September 2010. And I also apologize for posting here on General Discussion without first reading what are the rules and regulations about topic posts here. I'm really sorry for this post. Ban me if i violated any but I hope u can help me about this.
If a solved topic was already posted relevant to mine, please inform me.
If there aren't any, please give me some ideas how can i solved this.
Please reply to this post as soon as you've read this, please? T_T
P.S. Your Musescore is the best! ^_^
Attachment | Size |
The Dark Girl Dressed In Blue.png | 157.76 KB |
The Dark Girl Dressed In Blue_0.mscz | 2.61 KB |
It's the expected result. By convention, after a DS all repeat indication are skipped by a musician, and so by MuseScore.
Copy paste the repeated measure if you want MuseScore to play the chorus twice.
In reply to It's the expected result. By by [DELETED] 5
I don't get it? Copy paste the repeated measure? Do you mean I just have to copy the whole chorus part and copy paste it after the played verse, so that it would play once more? That means segno and D.S. signs are useless here. And it's too way long for a music piece. The whole original music piece was compressed that is why repeat signs are applied.
What i knew in music composition is, whenever a repeat sign triggers it traces back to where a segno is placed. Then if that measure if followed by a group of measures containing 1st (Prima) and 2nd Seconda) ending volta (assuming it already played once), then the conventional process of playback would be the same as the first pass.
Anyways I brought the piece i was mentioning yesterday, it's not yet finished though. The contents of it are just the same as the original piece's contents (except for the filled-in piano notes i mentioned on my first post). I will attached the file so you can view and see it (you can review it also). I hope you would listen to it so you should understand what i meant. Just clarifying things. No offense.
Here's what i expect to behave:
||> After D.S. triggers, it will repeat the whole Chorus just the same when it was played for the first time.
||> Sequence will be: [ D.S. ~ Segno >> Prima Volta ~ End Repeat ~ Start Repeat >> Seconda Volta ]
Actual behavior was this:
||> After D.S. triggers, it will repeat the whole Chorus without playing Prima Volta at all.
||> Sequence done was: [ D.S. ~ Segno >> Seconda Volta ]
Oh I almost forgot. Just in case you need info.
I used FluidR3_GM.sf2 (141MB waghk?!@$#), maybe the playback sound differs from what soundfont you're using.... and I'm using Windows XP PRo SP3 (maybe it will help to determine different os mscore bugs).
That's it.
Hope you could help.
In reply to What do you mean? by cLickMe
As I said, it's not expected by a musician to play the section between repeat bar a jump (DS or DC).
See this discussion : http://musescore.org/en/node/1082
MuseScore is implemented this way for the moment, and I don't know a way to workaround this. Except copy paste.
The soundfont contains only the sound samples and does not act on the repeat sequence.
Nice work btw.