0/0 measure for gregorian hymns and gregorian notation

• Mar 25, 2009 - 18:04

hi! i want write another suggestion. recently i'm trying writting ancien music whith muse score,i know that is possible
using 9/8, or others, but this is this dificult interpretation because is a very rigid mesure, when i try to change the mesure
muse score do not admit mesures changes than 1/4 etc. will be possible add mesures for free mesure(0/0)? and willbe
very interesting for musicians like me that weare writting ancient music like gregorian music,or ancient music in mensural notation(petrucci notation) that muse score can use this notation systems, because a few programs can
use this notation forms and very times this software is very expensive and can't give for musicians the required flexibility.


As my chorists and me are singing some pieces of Gregorian of Laon and St Gall, it would be very nice to have these notations.
For instance we use MuseScore for our traditionnals songs with modern notation.

Wonderful idea.

In reply to by JLWaltener

For the time being try assigning a ridiculous time signature such at 32/2 and deleting it. There will still be the same number of beats in the measure, as if there were a time signature... however you will rarely encounter a barline. thus it might produce the desired effect.

Let me know if that helped. It was fun experimenting.

A single measure could take up many many pages.

-- laughs --
Note when in the Time Menu, you can actually go all the way to 32+32+32+32 / 1, which is the maximum.
128/1 = 512/4 = 1024 / 8

If that isnt enough what is?
- Nick

There is a funny error with this however. If you do not end the measure on the system you are on, the measure goes off the page. If that gets fixed so that the measure automatically jumps to the next system then my method should work.

In reply to by robert leleu

Thanks for all the tips. I (also) wanted to ask for a global hiding of TimeSignature and barlines (exept the custom ones ant the one on the end), but this might work as well (already tried messing with the 46/1 and 1/46, I'll try again).

If it's stable enough (I'll try older versions as well) I'll introduce it to someone (organ player/composer).


I like the 0/0 idea! When I was composing an aleatory section in Sibelius, I was using the workaround that others had mentioned -- it works, but it was a pain! I felt like a slave to the software. For one thing, I didn't know how many beats to write at the start! It'd be a delight that, for a change, the software actually helps the composer, whether it be old Gregorian or new music with aleatory or other free crazy ideas...

It's a real pleasure to see the enthusiasm of all for the Gregorian songs. All the suggestions was already tested and with or without success it's only workarounds.
Why we need 0/0 time signature and Gregorian notation ? First at all it's for interpretation that could be different of the moment of the day, depend also of the choir chief, for the same lyrics and the same song, at least 2 different reference exist and they are attached to their abbaye : Example, the Hebdomada IV could be found in Laon 73 and St Gall E157. As Gregorian songs are not referenced to the time and not to the pitch, the choir chief choose how we will sing, so we need to make adjustements on our scores.
As I understand, MuseScore is attached to time as our actual music notation and could be difficult or impossible to modifiy that, and 3 fonts should be added, Gregorian, Laon and St Gall because the original score include the three.
For the moment, I use MuseScore for more modern songs as it does not make sens to transpose Gregorian notation in actual notation.
Thanks at all to have try something.

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