Bandoneon not recognized in upload

• Apr 22, 2015 - 16:05

I have uploaded a few tango scores (for private usage, for the time being).
Unfortunately, the bandoneon is not recognized as an instrument, even though I was able to select it properly in MuseScore 2.0.

Instead, the uploaded sheet music claims to contain an accordion or guitar part.
And the playback thus doesn't sound anything like it does in MuseScore 2.0, with the proper midi instruments assigned.
Has this been addressed?

Attachment Size
Humo upload.jpg 64.37 KB


You are welcome to view the score.
I did select the instrument bandoneon, not just the midi sound.
It seems that bandoneon is not among the recognized instruments for uploads.
Possibly, that has to do with the fact that bandoneon is not on the list of frequently used instruments, and can only be selected from the list of all instruments.

As all my scores contain bandoneon parts, having it represented in the score uploads makes an important difference to me.

While we are at it, I also notice that the midi sound fonts I can make use of in MuseScore 2.0 are much better than what I get played back from the uploads, whether it's in the browser or in my Android Songbook app.
Is there a way to make use of those midi sound fonts with uploaded scores?

Attachment Size
Humo_V1.mscz 101.83 KB

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Hi Marc,

I'm using several soundfonts (see attachment).
I suppose on there is only the default soundfont, and I cannot add or change the soundfont there, right?

Meanwhile, I have seen that my Android Songbook app correctly displays bandoneon as instrument - in contrast to the "guitar" that is displayed in the parts list of my score on

Even though Songbook allows me to select the parts that are displayed and played back, only one part, the bandoneon part, is actually played back, no matter whether I select all parts. When I mute the bandoneon part, nothing is played back. The sound of the played back bandoneon part is nowhere nearly as good as the mi bandoneon.sf2 bandoneon sound. If I could get that to be used in Songbook, it would be perfect. Any chance?

Attachment Size
Soundfonts.jpg 14.59 KB

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