Interchanging documents creates a problem...

• Feb 14, 2011 - 18:32

I am using MuseScore in my Music Theory classes as a means of assigning Theory exercises (college level).
I upload the assignment after it is created to Blackboard (our on-line learning system),
The student completes the assignment, and
Returns it to me via the Drop Box function in Blackboard
Often, I am not able to open the student's work after it is returned.
. I am assuming that one or all of the following is at fault:

1. We are all not using the same Version of MuseScore (as of today, I have decreed that all will use Version 1.0)
2. We have different operating systems. (XP, Vista, Windows 7 and 1 Mac user)
3. The files are being saved improperly before they are returned. What is the best file type to allow returns (mscz or mscx)?

I am fully committed to using MuseScore as I find it to be an outstanding piece of software and is a particularly good notation program, especially for student use. My students like it very much and like the way it operates. Our only problem is the returning of files to the instructor for evaluation.

I would sincerely appreciate any help that anyone would care to offer. Many thanks to the creators and supporters of MuseScore. It is a great piece of software that will enhance any musician's study or practical usage.


I would recommend using the *.mscz file format. mscz files are basically zip compressed *.mscx files.
MuseScore score files are platform independend. If you find a difference, its a bug.

There are known problems in older versions if the filename contains special characters.
It would be helpful if you can send me a test file you cannot load with version 1.0 for analysis.

When you say you are not able to open the students' assignments, what happens when you try to open them?

Are the files you are getting back ".mscz" files or is there a comma at the end (".mscz,")? You need you make sure you use the one without the comma. The handbook has an explanation of the comma at the end of the file extension. See File format , "MuseScore backup files".

Notice the big YOU in the Thank You. I really appreciate the swiftness and accuracy that provided a solution to my problem in this forum. Apparently some of my students were getting the back-up file rather than the original when they renamed the file to send it back to me. The files that I could not open all had a "." at the beginning of the file. Once I downloaded the files from Blackboard and renamed them without the ".", all was well. Again, thank those who responded so quickly for their accurate and most helpful solution. I shall not hesitate again to use a forum.

L. Phifer

In reply to by lphifer

The backup file might not be the final version of the student's assignment (since it is the previous save). It would be better to request the original file from the student, and inform him or her about the problem for the future.

In reply to by David Bolton

That's pretty much the conclusion that I came to and will be preparing a document for my students that will outline an exact procedure for how to handle the file prior to its submission for evaluation. That will also include a rather detailed method of renaming the file to assure that it is their complete and final file as well as having a complete identifier for the file. Again, thanks for your quick and complete help.

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