cannot grab footer?

• Jul 19, 2015 - 11:07

Dear all,
it seem like i can not grab and drag the footer in this score:

Berkendans by aeLiXihr

Any ideas about how come?
I made the score in 1.3 and imported.
Thank you!


In reply to by aeLiXihr

Right, you won't be able to drag it whatsoever you try, that much is normal.
Why would you want to select and drag it anyway? Just reposition via it's text style, or place it at a different section of the footer, like left or right rather than center

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

¨you won't be able to drag it whatsoever you try, that much is normal¨
okay but it used to work like that before...
¨Why would you want to select and drag it anyway?¨
for fine tuning, sometimes when there is a low bass it might be in the way for exemple.

In reply to by aeLiXihr

indeed, $C for copyright on first page only, $c for copyright on all, $:copyright: is the same, just more to type

You could also use a spacer and attach it to a measure in the last system, then make it slightly longer, so all systems are squeezed up a but and so keep clear from the copyright

In reply to by aeLiXihr

But when you do, you see that dotted line connecting it to the first measure? That reveals that it's actually a piece of staff text added to the first measure, and its just been dragged down the bottom of the page and its text style change to that of a footer. You can return it to its original position by clicking on it and pressing [Ctrl]+[R] (Mac: [Cmd]+[R]).

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