MuseScore & Windows 10

• Aug 10, 2015 - 09:50

Hi all,

I couldn't find much on the subject, and I'm not even totally sure if W10 is the problem. But I recently upgraded my laptop to Windows 10, and today I tried starting Musescore (2.0.2) again for the first time since the upgrade, and it just won't open! I've tried running is as admin, repairing the install, downloading and installing it again, but those things just don't work.

Anyone who has experienced something like this and/or has any ideas on how to fix this? I'd really like to continue my work on this piece I've been working on for a while now.. :(

Thanks in advance!


I have encountered a difficulty using the programme in that it greys out and a notice appears thats says'the application has requested the run time to terminatein an unusual way. Please contact the applications support team.'
the problem is triggered when I use play back. There may be other triggers. What can I do. I have rebooted but to no avail, the problem recurrs. David GG

In reply to by DavidGG

What version of MuseScore, what OS? Did it work before then stop? Can you post the specific score you are having problems with and precise steps to reproduce the problem?

It is better to start a new thread to discuss this problem, btw. There is no particular reason to believe this problem is realted to the subject of this thread.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

You are quite right. I'm new to this and have obviously made a mistake.
Presumably I continue now that I've started.
I'm using version 2.0.1 and windows 7. I have written 3 other scores and can access them and use as normal. This last score was absolutely fine until I made some ammendments today with repeat marks. The problem only manifested when I tried to play back -at which point it doesnt respond and freezes then greys out and bings up the notification previously referred to.
Everything was working ok including playback. It just suddenly started and wont rectify. I'm happy to send score but dont know how!

I was having this problem and managed to fix it.
If you open task manager, you should find the "musescore.exe" process running. Go to the details tab. Right click on musescore and select "analyze wait chain". This will show you what musescore is waiting for. For me, it was something like "spoolsvc" which i think is something to do with printing. I ended that process and musescore opened.
I haven't experimented beyond that to see if it happens again, but if i learn more i'll be back.

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