Too much space between VBOX and music in PDF Files

• Aug 17, 2015 - 12:34

I am using Musescore 2.0 and I've got the parts the looking way I want them (to fit in flip folders) but when I export them to PDF files, there is a huge blank space between the Song Title Text (Vbox?) at the top and the start of the music. Everything looks correct in the parts in Musescore. Any ideas?


In reply to by ericfontainejazz

I attached the .msrz file and the PDF for Bb Clarinet1.

If you look at the Bb-Clarinet1 part in Musescore, there is just a small space between the title and the music.

If you look at the PDF, there is a couple inches between the title and the music.

Also, for some reason, I have to bump the playback speed to 200% to get it to play at the correct speed for cut time.


In reply to by perry.williams.921

It's really not that big a deal. I'm just trying to minimize the stuff at the top as I'm trying to fit everything on a single flip-folder sheet and maximize the size of the music itself for our marching band.

B.T.W... I love the MuseScore 2.0! It makes generating the parts much easier and the playback sounds much better too. Looks like drum rolls (using the tremalo) actually plays the roll!

In reply to by perry.williams.921

A couple of things going on here.

First, it was probably a mistake to try moving the title in the score outside of its frame. Better would be to increase the size of the frame and change margins etc to get the spacing you want without having to have text sticking outside its frame.

That said, if I generate a PDF from this part via File / Export on my machine (Ubuntu 14.04), I don't see any extra space. What OS are you on, and how did you generate that PDF? Also, if you are literally still on 2.0, try updating to 2.0.2, which fixes hundreds of bugs, not that I remember any specifically involving anything like this.

As for playback tempo, I don't see a tempo text at the start of your score, so MsueScore has no particular basis for knowing what tempo to play it (nor would a human musician reading it). As things stand, there is no basis for calling any particular tempo correct or incorrect - you haven't specified a tempo at all.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

yes, I'm using Musescore 2.02 and windows 7. I generated the PDFs by exporting from Musescore i.e. FILE--> EXPORT PARTS

Thanks for the info. I'll look into the TEXT BOX and TEMPO TEXT issues. I really have no idea what I'm doing, but somehow was able to arrange a half dozen songs for our new marching band using the older version of Musescore. I basically just kept clicking on stuff until it sounded right.

regarding tempo, Musescore says it's playing it at 120 BPM (on the play panel). I'm guessing 120 BPM is the default? I just open up the Play Panel and bump it up to 200% to get it to play at 120 bpm.

In reply to by perry.williams.921

The play panel is not how you set the tempo for a piece; it's just a way of providing a temporary override for the actual tempo, like if you want it to play back slower than usual to make it easier to hear mistakes, or to practice playing along with. To set the actual tempo for a piece, use Tempo elements from the Tempo palette (or select the tempo in the wizard when you first create the score).

As for the original problem, does it also misbehave for you if you export that part individually using File / Export, as opposed to trying to do them all at once by File / Export Parts? Is it only this part that gives you problems or all parts on this score? Or all parts on all scores?

One thing I notice is that the staves in your score are badly scrambled. The instrument list shows the staves going in one order, but the staff names tell a completely different story. I have a feeling that will turn out to have something to do with the problem. Do you have any idea why this might be the case? Anything unusual you did when adding the staves or genberating the parts that would cause them to be in such a strange order?

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

thank you! yes, exporting the parts individually eliminates the problem. I would still like to squash the space between the title and the first stave even more though to maximize the size of the music for us old guys reading flip folders!

As far as scrambling the parts, I guess I can't find the instrument list to see how they are supposed to be arranged. I am constantly bumping the parts up and down as I am arranging the piece to make it easier to write the parts, but I think individually exporting the parts has solved the problem.

I'll look for the tempo palate next time I have a chance. I never have used the wizard as I just take an old piece, rename it, and delete all the notes.

Thanks again!. I'm having so much fun with the software and would like to thank the people who work so hard!

In reply to by perry.williams.921

OK, I have figured out the problem. You actually have two totally separate Bb Clarinet 1 parts. The first is the 11th part listed under File / Parts, the second is the 37th (!) part. When you use File / Export Parts, it complains about the duplication, I told it to skip the duplicate, which keeps the first version of the part, which is correct. you have presumably been telling it to keep replace, which overwrites the good version with the bad.

But you can see it is bad in the part too: keep scrolling to the right in the list of tabs until you find that second Bb Clarinet 1 part, and you'll see it has the large gap too. Click the frame, look in the Inspector, and you'll see its bottom gap is set to 28.47. That's much bigger than 9, which is what it is in the good version.

Looks like there are similar bad extra parts for many other instruments as well. You can delete them in File / Parts.

BTW, "bottom gap" sets the space below a frame for that frame individually; there is also a score default in Style / General / Vertical frame bottom margin.

The instrument list displays when you press "I" or go to Edit / Instruments - it's how you add or delete intruments from your score. It shows the instruments being in the following order:

Bb Clarinet
Low Roto-toms

which to me is "scrambled". I was mistaken when I said the staff names told a different story; they are scrambled in the same way. It's the tabs for the parts that are different, I guess because you generated them at different times.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks a bunch Mark and everyone else who helped!

I used the inspector and fixed each part (made the bottom Gap small and the Height small of the frame). I also deleted all the unused instruments and put them in a more logical order. Not sure how every instrument was duplicated, but I deleted those too.

The only thing left is to find the tempo palate and get the BPM correct for a Marching Band Songs.

I attached the updated MSCZ file.


Attachment Size
hogan's_heros-Kwai.mscz 185.34 KB

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