Several pieces on the same side/file

• Oct 3, 2015 - 09:01

Hi! I want to write several pieces on the same side. For example write down melody part and other parts for the same choral, on one side in one file. What I often do, is write down my sons 2-3 different cornet parts on one side - and then I want proper ends and starts and measure numbers.

Easy and quick, no "making pictures and then put into word" or "merge several PDF files".

I included a pic that shows several short pieces on the same side, with proper endings and starts. In fact, it is from that book I use to separate the parts so that my children don't have to have both parts in the same note row. Sometimes I get a third part to add.

I dont want an ending with 2/2 that I mae invisible, and measure numbers that are not correct.

Hope it can be done. I searched but only find that it will be included in 2.0 in the future, but we are there now.

Attachment Size
2015-10-02 22.16.41-1.jpg 125.41 KB


Use section breaks and the measure numbers will be correct. 1.x didn't have section breaks, but there too it was possible to correct these numbers, with a bit more work

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