Move multiple lyrics

• Nov 13, 2015 - 23:41

I have MuseScore 2.02 f51dc11, running on Windows 8.1 (64bit).

I have a staff with 2 voices, and in some places, the two voices have separate lyrics. I want to move the lyrics for voice 1 above the staff. So far I have found out how to do it with Text Properties, but it only works on one lyric at a time, and I want to move several measures worth. I tried extending the selection, but the Text Properties only applied the change to one lyric.

Steps to reproduce problem (see attached file, measure 20):
- enter notes for Voice 1
- enter notes for Voice 2
- enter lyrics for Voice 1: "All the mu-sic of life seems to be"
- click on "All", then Ctrl-Click on each of the other lyrics (now they are all blue)
- right-Click to get Lyrics dialog, select Text Properties, change Offset Vertical from 6.00 to -3.00 mm, OK
The result is that "All" moves above the staff, but not "the mu-sic of life seems to be".

Is there a way to do this?


Attachment Size
Almost_Like_Being_in_Love.mscz 33.06 KB


Hold down [Ctrl] and right-click to select multiple lyrics. Go to the Inspector and change the vertical spacing to -10.50 or thereabouts.

An alternative when using two Voices with a shared line or with one line of lyrics each is to enter all the lyrics in one Voice only and then change the properties for one line of lyrics (Style ->Text ->Lyrics Odd Lines and ->Lyrics Even lines).

To select lyrics in voice 1 only, right click one such lyric, then Select / More / Same voice. Or, if you haven;t yet entered the lyrics for voice 2, just Select / All Similar Elements.

In reply to by eejake52

Right, that's why you need to use the Inspector rather than Text Properties, as suggested above. I was just mentioning alternate ways of doing the selection - Ctrl+click one by one can be very cumbersome unless there are only a few to move. MsueScore provides much more powerful selection mechanisms.

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