API & Device Settings for playback

• Dec 26, 2015 - 14:06

Hello everyone,

I have just installed musescore 2.0.2 on a windows 10 platform. however, i am unable to use the playback function, as no API or output device is registered in the I/O section of the Preferences. I have also been unable to find a solution in the 2.x handbook. I am unsure as to what exactly the API is. Do i have to download one and install it so that it appears in the drop-down list or should the PC already have one available? Whats stranger is that the device drop-down does not register the output devices in the hardware list of the computer. The computer is very new, and all drivers (for audio devices) are installed and up-to-date.

maybe I missed something during the install process?

Thanks in advance for your help,



In reply to by Jm6stringer

I can open and edit scores, my own as well as those of others.

The factory reset was not successful, and the synthesizer in the View menu is grayed out.

I have also now tried a complete reinstall (including a new download of the installer), but the issue remains. Might this be a problem with windows 10? it seems odd that both API and Soundfont are missing...

thanks again,


In reply to by moe6312

Windows 10 works in general, but it is certainly possible something is up with the driver for the particular sound hardware in your computer - you might try continuing to check to see if updates are made available for that.

You might also try running MuseScore from a terminal window ("musescore.exe -F", to do a factory reset while you're at it) and see if anything relevant appears in the output.

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