Narrower Measures WinXP, Mscz 1.1

• Aug 17, 2011 - 23:22

I'm out of practice.
How do I reduce the width of measures (stretch I believe).
Is it the same as it was in version 1.0?
The last couple of measures are very large (score attached).
aka Howard Newman

Attachment Size
prelude_Em_aug_17_11.mscz 4.18 KB


You can increase the last system fill threshold in Style -> Edit general style -> Page -> Last system threshold.
You can also append an horizontal frame at the end. Create -> Measure -> Append horizontal frame.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

OR you may fine tune the distribution of the whole piece in two ways:

1) Menu "Style | Edit general style...", "Bar" in the left side list, then "Spacing" settings: the default is 1.20; increase to have wider spaced measures and 'eat up' the over-spacing of the last system.

In your case, 1.42 is the max to have the whole piece in a single sheet, with the minimum spreading of the last system.


2) Place some line breaks to 'widen' some systems; for instance a line break before measure 4 (to widen the first system, which usually nice to the player) and before measure 15 to widen the fourth which is the 'darkest'. this brings 5 measures in the last system for a more balanced layout.

I usually use both; 1) to set the general layout 'rhythm' and 2) to fine tune single systems.


P.S.: If I remember correctly, the "Bar" item in the "Edit style" used to be called "Measure"; was it not more correct?

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