Plugin Digitación Automática

• Jan 10, 2016 - 04:19

Quisiera saber si existe algún plugin capaz de colocar la digitación, por ejemplo si es un DO que escriba que se utiliza la cuerda 5 y el 3 espacio.

El resultado final sería el adjunto; la idea es que la Digitación se coloque de manera automática.

Attachment Size
Plugin_(Digitación).mscz 6.31 KB


In reply to by Matías Hernández1

Sorry, we can't help much with languages we don't speak.
Google Translate suggests you want to do something with automatic positioning of fingerings, but that's as far as I got, not enough to fully understand your Needs.

Hmm, looks like you could get there simply by changing the style of fingering and string number texts, changing their vertical and horizontal offsets?

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