Why MuseScore saves same file twice adding period in front of file name which then cannot be opened

• Jan 16, 2016 - 16:36

I use IE with Windows 8.1. When I save a created score, MuseScore automatically saves it twice. It puts a period in the name of one file, for example .test.mscz and not a period in the second saved copy of the same file, e.g., test.mscz. I am not able to open any Musescore files that contains the added period and gives me the prompt: "Cannot read file C:/: .test.mscz. unknown type"

Why does my Musescore save a second copy that I cannot open?

Thank you.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Thanks so very much, Jojo. Would you be willing to try to help me with my more serious problem posted yesterday about my recipient no longer being able to open my MuseScore email attachments? Thank you very much!

In reply to by Megan R

Are you sure you have attached the right file? If you sent him the backup version, that would explain everything. If you attached the correct version and it won't open automatically for him, then he has apparently somehow messed up the File Associations on his computer he just needs to fix that so MSCZ is associated with MuseScore again. Just do a search for "Windows file associations: to leanr how to do that for his particular version of Windows.

Note that even if it won't open automatically, he can still just save the attachment and open it from within MuseScore via File / Open, so messed up file associations aren't a serious problem at all. They are a convenience, nothing more.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, Marc. Yes, I sent the correct file and I have emailed him your instructions and will report back after I hear from him.

While we are waiting for him to try your most appreciated suggestion, what do you make of his being able to open files he creates and sends me and I email him back immediately as a test, but files I create and send him he cannot open. Would your best guess be this situation still reflects a file association problem? And, were you able to open my attachments?

Thanks again!

In reply to by Megan R

No, if he can open at least one file you sent him - even if just one that he sent you first and you sent right back - that would prove it is not a file associations problem. If he can open one file you send him (one he sent you and then you sent right back), but not another (one you created yourself), then there really is no explanation I can think of except that you are not sending the correct file. I know you said you sent the correct file, but really, the possibility that you somehow still accidentally sent the backup file is the only thing I can think of that could possibly explain why he can open one file and not another.

That is assuming you have the same version of MuseScore installed, of course. But even if he has a too-oldversion, the symptom would be different. MuseScore would open then pop up a dialog saying the version is too old.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, Marc. I am positive I send him the correct file. He has even gone back to see if he can open different files I have sent him a few months ago that he once was able to open and can now not open. Thanks sincerely for trying. If you or anyone else can think of anything else to suggest, I would be most grateful. With very best wishes...................

In reply to by Megan R

I guess it's possible your email program has a bug where attachments get corrupted somehow. and this bug didn't exist a few months ago. So old attachments work ok, as does simply returning an email containing an attachment, but newly attached files have their names changed. Could be some sort of bad interaction with the evil Windows settings that hides file extensions for "known" files, maybe the extension is getting stripped off.

You could try sending a message with an attachment to yourself, or to someone else, to see if maybe there is what is happening. If you or someone else are able to open the attachment, then that puts the finger back on the person having the problem, although it's still hard to image what could possibly be causing them to be able to open some valid attachments but not others.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thank you, Marc. I will try it and report back later this evening. I believe I did try to send myself my own created file (the one he can't open). On first click I got the same error message as my recipient but when I clicked again, it opened with no difficulty. I am eager to try anything and again, so I will report back later this evening. Thanks again.

In reply to by Megan R

Just tried emailing it to myself (couldn't stand the suspense!). Without difficulty I was able to immediately open my own created file (the one he can't open). I will await my recipient's reply to see if any of the suggested methods solve the problem for us. Thanks a million.

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