Default Drumset directory for Mac?

• Oct 11, 2011 - 13:45

I'm preparing the script for my next Video tutorial on saving Drumset changes, and I need to know the default directory MuseScore uses for these for Mac.



As far as I know there is no default directory for drumset. The 3 and 5 lines drumset instruments use the built in drumset and this one is hard coded in MuseScore code. The other unpitched percussion instrument are defined with their drumset in instruments.xml. This file is embedded in the Musescore binary. Users can change the path to it in Preferences -> Instrument list file.

If you change the drumset in a score, the drumset is saved in the MuseScore file. You can also save (or export if your prefer) the drumset in a *.drm file to be reused in another score.

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