Can I Remove Indentation of First Stave?
OK. So I create a score with a single Voice. I right click on the first bar and select "Stave Properties." I delete the text in the "Instrument Name" boxes and click "OK." This gets rid of "Voice" and "Vo." at the start of every line. But the first stave remains indented. Is there any way I can remove this indent?
That should have done it. Does for me. But sometimes things like that don't show until you save, close, and reload the score, so maybe try that?
Also, note there is already a Lead Sheet template that is already set up that way. And if you don't like something about that template, you can customize it, or create your own.
In reply to That should have done it. by Marc Sabatella
take care that there is no invisible character remaining in the instrument name field.
In reply to That should have done it. by Marc Sabatella
Thanks Marc! You are correct. The problem has now rectified itself. Thanks too for your tip about the Lead Sheet template; that, or the Folk Song template, is another solution if the problem should ever recur. And thanks also to Robert for the advice about a possible invisible character; as it happens that was not the problem but it well might have been.
Thanks again, folks! Sorted!
I right click and select "Staff Properties" Nothing happens. Is there any other way (short cut or something??) to access this info? Using Mac Yosemite. vsn 2.02 of MuseScore This isn't the first time I've had conniptions with right click stuff. The manual says right click BLA, X menu will pop up, select Y and access a properties panel, So, I right-click BLA, sure enough X menu pops up, I select Y as directed and NOTHING HAPPENS. I'm missing out on a huge number of options and no one has ever given a satisfactory answer to the multiple questions I have posted about it.
In reply to I right click and select by Tixrus
Try Ctrl + (left/normal)Click instead. That's the real Ctrl (not Cmd). It's possible your right click is not always precise enough.
In reply to I right click and select by Tixrus
When you say "nothing happens", you mean the Staff Properties dialog does not appear? Has it ever appeared? Have you recently tried the "Revert to factory settings" procedure the Handbook? My best guess is that your monitor configuration has changed since the last time you used this dialog, causing it to not appear on your current screen. The Revert should fix that.
Looking at your past posts, I see I responded to several of them, but you never responded to my questions where I asked you to post the specific score you are having problems with and precise step by step instructions to reproduce the problem.
In reply to When you say "nothing by Marc Sabatella
Thank you for your reply. The answer is yes I have tried the revert to factory settings before and it was problematic. So I did factory settings again as per the handbook, and caused a spew of ugly in the terminal session. There may be something fundamentally wrong with my installation. Normally posting command line stuff like this scares off everyone. So after spewing this, the app opened, then I quit it as instructed and it crashed, but it does seem to open up as normally as it did before. I don't recall ever deliberately changing any factory settings anyway other than (apparently) it automatically remembering the last 10 or so scores I worked on. It forgot them all. That's OK. Here is the terminal session capture. Perhaps *THIS* can be cleaned up first because I fail to get the promised dialogs in pretty much any score I work on. I have work arounds for some but not all the issues.... it would be nice if everything really worked as it is supposed to. I can certainly load the SQLite driver but I'd need to know exactly how it is meant to be configured.
Generic-MacBook-Pro:~ me$ /Applications/MuseScore\ -F
initScoreFonts 0x7fdb8a4f3f70
in stat: : No such file or directory
in stat: : No such file or directory
Pt_Start() called
init Help from:
QSqlDatabase: QSQLITE driver not loaded
QSqlDatabase: available drivers:
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2016-03-21 18:12:13.447 mscore[3041:190325] Error loading /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DivX Web Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/DivX Web Player: dlopen(/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DivX Web Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/DivX Web Player, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/DivX Web Player.plugin/Contents/MacOS/DivX Web Player: mach-o, but wrong architecture
2016-03-21 18:12:13.530 mscore[3041:190325] Error loading /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin/Contents/MacOS/agcore: dlopen(/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin/Contents/MacOS/agcore, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Silverlight.plugin/Contents/MacOS/agcore: mach-o, but wrong architecture
2016-03-21 18:12:13.999 mscore[3041:190325] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 3. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
2016-03-21 18:12:13.999 mscore[3041:190325] CFPropertyListCreateFromXMLData(): Old-style plist parser: missing semicolon in dictionary on line 3. Parsing will be abandoned. Break on _CFPropertyListMissingSemicolon to debug.
2016-03-21 18:12:14.186 mscore[3041:190325] Error loading /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/OVSHelper.plugin/Contents/MacOS/OVSHelper: dlopen(/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/OVSHelper.plugin/Contents/MacOS/OVSHelper, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/OVSHelper.plugin/Contents/MacOS/OVSHelper: mach-o, but wrong architecture
Vector smash protection is enabled.
objc[3041]: Class AdobePDFProgressView is implemented in both /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewer.plugin/Contents/MacOS/AdobePDFViewer and /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/AdobePDFViewerNPAPI.plugin/Contents/MacOS/AdobePDFViewerNPAPI. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
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2016-03-21 18:12:14.899 mscore[3041:190325] Error loading /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/iPhotoPhotocast.plugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhotoPhotocast: dlopen(/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/iPhotoPhotocast.plugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhotoPhotocast, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:
/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/iPhotoPhotocast.plugin/Contents/MacOS/iPhotoPhotocast: mach-o, but wrong architecture
2016-03-21 18:12:14.919 mscore[3041:190325] Cannot find executable for CFBundle 0x7fdb8c517f00 (not loaded)
objc[3041]: Class MenuHandler is implemented in both /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Scorch.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Scorch and /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/Musicnotes.plugin/Contents/MacOS/Musicnotes. One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
Ignore SSL error: 11 The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
Ignore SSL error: 17 The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated
Ignore SSL error: 11 The issuer certificate of a locally looked up certificate could not be found
Ignore SSL error: 17 The root CA certificate is not trusted for this purpose QSslSocket: cannot call unresolved function SSL_get0_next_proto_negotiated
Generic-MacBook-Pro:~ me$
Generic-MacBook-Pro:~ me$
In reply to Thank you for your reply. by Tixrus
P.S. I open a new score select a measure at random (the whole bar has a blue box on it,) CTL-Click (that is how you right click on a Mac) and there is a Staff menu and a Measure Menu and on the Staff menu one of the items is Staff properties, and I select it and nothing happens, by which I mean that no further windows/dialogs appear, either in front or behind, because I moved all the other open windows and it is NOT there. BUT...... I tried it four separate times, there was a different menu each time. The 2nd time, only the Measure menu came up. The third time, the ONLY selection in the staff menu was Staff properties, but nothing happened when I selected it. The FOURTH time the whole menu was there and oh joy the dialog appeared when I selected STAFF PROPERTIES. So I guess persistence pays. I never tried four times in a row. ???????
The score was a random one.... this one attached Laura...
In reply to P.S. I open a new score by Tixrus
Yup. That tech gobble dee gook scare's em off every time! :) And my new mantra is 4th time is a charm. Have a beautiful music-filled day everyone!!!!