MuseScore Drumser notation different from actual notation!?

• May 12, 2016 - 03:22

I knew I needed to learn drum set notation to write good music, because drums are a fundamental part of music. So I learned how to read it. But then going on MuseScore, it seems like the notation is different, such as the snare drum is on the wrong line. Maybe I'm just really bad at this or confused, but could someone please explain? Is MuseScore's drum notation off?


This is the best guide to drum notation I have found. It has been referenced in other forum discussions too.
(PDF document which is actually a small 4-page booklet. You should print it out double-sided and fold it. So when you read it on your screen, things come in slight strange order since page 4 comes first)

And here is the Muse handbook for drum notation:

The snare drum appears in the same place in both these descriptions (between the second and third line on the staff). Which was your source for learning drum set notation?

There is no one correct way to notate drums. Every publisher, every editor, every drummer, every textbook on the subject does it a little differently.

The notation used in MsueScore is pretty standard - although again, everyone has their own little variations here and there. If you prefer the way you leaqrned it - and more importantly, know for a fact that the people who will *read* your music learned it the same way as you - then you can customize things by clicking the Edit Drumset button in the drum window, as explained in the Handbook under "Drum notation".

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Thanks! I'll just use the MuseScore way. If it's pretty standard where everyone can read it, than its fine. My real problem was where the Tom atoms were located. But after talking to some friends who actually play drums, it's really all about the Bass, Snare, and HiHat. They are all in the same place, so everything else is a formality. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

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