Deleting a time signature messes up 1st and 2nd endings

• Jun 16, 2016 - 00:38

I've got an extraneous 4/4 time signature in a score, but when I delete it, the 1st and 2nd endings on the page get messed up -- several measures and repeat sign plus a line break and pair of hairpin decrescendos disappear. Weird, right?

I've searched the forums for this, but haven't found a solution yet.

Here's a screenshot of the page in question:


And after I delete the (now unneeded) 4/4 time signature:


Fortunately, this is undo-able, but I'm unable to get rid of the unwanted 4/4.

Any suggestions? Any more info I can supply?

Oh, it's Musescore 2.0.2 on Kubuntu 14.04



In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Yes, I've managed to chop the score down to the smallest part that still exhibits the exact problem I'm referring to.

Deleting the (extraneous) 4/4 time sig in measure 3 causes the rest of the score to be re-formatted -- and not in a standard way either. The repeat bar disappears and the 1st and 2nd endings appear to overlap each other as if the score had been folded back on itself. And when it's played in this weird state, the synth just barrels through the missing repeat as if it's really gone, not just hidden somewhere.


BTW, I can make the superfluous time sig invisible as a work-around. This doesn't cause any format or playback problems, but I'm kind of OCD and was hoping to find the right way to fix this.


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

The short measure was intentional, I didn't realize that it would cause problems later.

So I guess I have (at least) two different problems, then?

I just tried dropping a 2/4 time signature on that last measure so the nominal and actual time signatures would agree, but it didn't change the nominal time signature in the measure properties -- is that normal behavior? I thought that was how that was done.

I may just have to re-write the last few measures and see if that fixes things.

In reply to by xavierjazz

You can select the unneeded time sig. and hit "v". It will turn invisible.

Thanks. I considered that -- and tried it, too -- but it does then leave that gap where the invisible time sig is that would need to be prettied-up by scootching around the other notes (I think with the Chord Horizontal Offset). Which might need to be re-done if further editing results in reformatting. Not a disaster, of course, but like I say I'm OCD.

So I deleted the entire measure. The repeats and endings didn't break. The line break didn't vanish. No overlapping. I inserted a measure, still OK. I re-created the notes. Bingo. Seems to be ok.

Something was wrong in that measure that was causing unexpected behavior. I'm uploading the new version with the measure removed and recreated. Maybe this will give a clue to the weird behavior.


In reply to by Rob Bruce

I've straightened out the score I was having a problem with, but the problem itself remains:

Deleting a time signature in the middle of a score that has a repeat sign in the middle (like for 1st and 2nd endings) causes the repeat sign to disappear.

I've created a minimal score to illustrate the issue. There's a 4/4 unnecessarily added in the middle of the score and a repeat bar located at somewhere other than the end of the score but after the extra time signature. Delete the superfluous 4/4 and the repeat goes away as well. A repeat at the end is not affected by deleting the extra time signature. Repeats earlier in the score than the extra time signature are also not affected.


Test score attached. Try deleting the 4/4 in the middle and watch the three repeat bars. The one between the 4/4 and the end will disappear with the 4/4. Seems like a bug to me, certainly not behaving consistently with respect to relative position of repeat to time signature.

I should mention again so no one has to go through every previous post looking for this:

Kubuntu 14.04 (AMD64)
musescore 2.0.2

In reply to by Rob Bruce

When you change the time signature in a score, you change how many barlines are and which notes they fall between. It normally doesn't make sense to preserve aspects of barlines that may no longer exist or exist in different places. Changing time signature basically erases all barlines and draws in new ones.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Ok, thanks for explaining the program logic. I can see why it would redraw all the subsequent barlines when changing the time signature. I guess I didn't expect to see that happen when I just had an extra time signature, since in my mind I wasn't changing times but rather removing an extraneous mark.

So deleting the (hard) line breaks following the deleted time signature is also by design, then?

In reply to by Rob Bruce

It is. Although as you say, this ends up being surprising in the case of a change that isn't really a change, so it wouldn't be a bad idea if we would detect this case and deal with it more appropriately. This has been requested before, it just hasn't rised high enough in priority to be implemented.

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