Extra voice 1 line shows up in treble clef all rests

• Nov 15, 2015 - 16:41

I have a line of rests in the treble clef that is linked to voice 1 and all rests. I'm writing 3-part (SAT) and the rests clutter up my score. Other than re-doing this as a new score, is there any way to get rid of these rests?


Click on a rest, right-click and Select ->More ->check the box "Same voice". Then press v to make them invisible (often preferable if there is a mixture of notes and rests in the same Voce) or [Del] to delete them.

If Voice 1 has become a line consisting entirely of rests and you want to get rid of it then first swap it to another Voice by selecting the entire stave and Edit ->Voices -?Exchange Voices 1-2 (or 1-3 or 1-4 as desired). Next repeat the above steps to delete the rests.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I misstated the problem in my first post.These are a second set of Voice 1 marks in the BASS clef. I have notes and rests in the TREBLE clef but these are linked to Voice 1 and any switching or deleting of parts effects all the marks (notes and rests) that I want to keep.

In reply to by Shlomit

I'm guessing maybe you tried using a voice other than 1 in the bottom staff. Like maybe you used voices 1 & 2 in the top staff but voice 3 in the bottom staff. This is not the correct way to do things. You should always use voice 1 first for each staff. So, voices 1 & 2 in the top staff, voice 1 in the second staff. And voice 1 in all subsequent staves as well.

If this doesn't solve your problem, then indeed, please post the score you are having problems with so we can understand better.

Thank you, Marc Sabatella. I think you've figured out what I did. I'm not in the program right now, but I have a feeling this will solve the issue.

Thanks to everyone who responded. This is a great online community.

This may not be the right place for this comment...

I'm trying to write two voices on 1 staff. mostly it's fine, but on some measures voice 2 only shows up on the last beat in a measure. I have not been able to find a way to put the second voice on the first beat (or second for that matter). why do i randomly have no control over the second voice?

any help is appreciated

In reply to by clarkek

It's hard to say without seeing the score. It is possible to get into this situation by first adding a rest and then deleting it (possible only in voices 2-4). This leaves a "hole" you can't directly fill. One way to remove these holes is to run Edit / Voices / Exchange Voice 1-2 twice.

Generally, you shouldn't delete rests in voice 2, but should make them invisible instead if you are positive that the rules of music notation allow the rests not to be shown (normally all beats *must* be shown for all voices used in a measure, but exceptions do exist).

In reply to by clarkek

Well, works as expected here:
- Select the measure 34 -> "N" -> Voice 2 -> Press '0' to enter a quarter rest on the first beat-> Enter as usual your note on the next beat two.
Result: kclarke part 2.mscz

EDIT: maybe your difficulty is to navigate into the Voice2? Eg, by selecting a whole measure, you can navigate immediatly in the Voice1 with the arrows left/right. But for do the same with the voice2, you must select first a note or a rest of this voice, and then use the arrows.

If not, please describe step by step what you are doing, the expected result and the received result.

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