Two different songs in the same page!

• Sep 11, 2010 - 14:18

Hello all,

How can I have two different songs or more in the same page?
I've tried to search for it before posting here, but I haven't found any reference about it.

Thanks for your attention!


In reply to by abrogard

Not sure what you are saying. To get a second score after the firs,t simple append enough measures for the second score. If you want a frame between the two scores, you can either append it before appending the extra measures, or else select the first measure of the second score and insert the frame before it. Same result either way.

If you continue to have problems, best to start a new thread and attach the specific score you are having problems with. The thread you are responding to is six years old and is discussing a very different version of MuseScore.

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