Piano Onscreen Keyboard

• Aug 19, 2016 - 09:13

Hi there,

congratulations and a huge thank you for this incredible useful software!

I'm just a beginner at the piano and find it very helpful for my learning process to alter between 'writing' music with musescore (which helps me a lot in understanding the basics of music theory) and playing / trying on my piano.

What would be very helpful for me would be a resizable onscreen-piano-keyboard and to see the keys of the keyboard highligted when a note is selected in the sheet.
Currently this is the case when the music is played within musescore, then the cursor moves through the sheet and the corresponding keys on the keyboard are 'pressed'.
If the same would be true when moving the cursor manually from note to note that would be incredible helpful for me to see the corresponding keys I would have to press on my piano (I still sometimes struggle to translate the notes to the keyboard).




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