Redesign of piano keyboard

• Mar 2, 2016 - 15:27
S5 - Suggestion

Following the theme of panel functional design improvement {see my issue, I propose to improve piano panel shape when resized. Currently resizing of this panel consists only in expanding or reducing frame, that have no much sense and only consumes precious screen space. I find that the keys that here are not for finger playing but for mouse clicking could be partially hidden - if user wish it. The same way is used in Mixer panel where the frame can overlap the buttons.
I propose two designs of smallest Piano panel that remains not less functional. One conserve the horizontal blue band (taking an important space due to his length). The vertical one has short blue band on a side. To do the space sparing and the look more visible I've put them on the same workspace than the current panel - see attachments.
Another way is to scale the P-panel entirely, with keys, that can be helpful in certain limits - just to pack the screen layout well. I find that 75% of actual size is still usable.
PS: Just to not create new issues: I think that MuseScore prefix in certain panel headers is meaningless.


Oh, great! Thank you! However the panel could be slightly more tight, at least user should be able to shorten the keys if he desires to conserve the width. But minor priority, as I declared.

Anyway I cannot move the panel down as shown in the attachment. It jumps up and I have to doubleclick on it to move it once again. This logic should be created to squish the keyboard automatically under main panel, but if one tries just to move it down it's annoying.

Attachment Size
Cannot_move_piano_panel_down.png 157.98 KB