Request for a "Section Text" element
At the moment, MuseScore has two kind of text elements (from the handbook)
-1) Staff text
Staff Text is applied to one staff (or Grand staff) in the score, and is indicative only for that staff; any playback effect associated with the text is limited in the same way. The text will appear in the corresponding instrument part.
-2) System Text
System text is applied to one staff in the score, but is indicative for every staff in the system. Any associated playback properties are applied to the whole system. The text will appear in all instrument parts.
This request introduces a new kind of text element:
-3) Section Text
Section text is applied to one staff in the score, but is indicative for every staff in the section. Any associated playback properties are applied to the whole system. The text will appear in all instrument parts of the section.
An example of this Section Text is a text Solo for any Saxophone in a big band score on top of the Saxophone section but appears on all Saxophone parts.
With MuseScore 3.5, it is not possible to have this kind of lines on all parts of a section without having these lines on all staves in the score too, which makes the score "too busy" and difficult to read.
A question of course is: Which staves forms a section?
For this, the section definition of automatic score ordering (new feature, planned for MuseScore 3.6) which can group instruments in section, based on a specified score order (e.g. Classical Orchestra, Big Band, Concert Band, ...). If a Section Text
is placed on a staff belonging to a section, the text is placed on top of the section and the text will appear on all part of the section. This behavior is similar to System Text
but restricted to a section.
Related to #311175: [EPIC] Engraving issues and suggestions
Reiterating request for Section Text
This issue tracker here has been discontinued so better request it again on GitHub
In reply to This issue tracker here has… by Jojo-Schmitz