Musescore 2.0.3. freezes each time I try to save a score

• Aug 22, 2016 - 10:51

I basically explained my issue in the topic of this thread. I tried to save online and as a copy and any other option. I am working on osx 10.10.5.


Please share the score you have that issue with.

Edit: hmm, seems a bit of a hen-and-egg problem...
So we nNeed a step by step explanation what you do, in order to be able to reproduce it

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

it happens with any score. Even I put one note in the first "untitled" blank document and hit save. Even when I do one simple change in the score I already have.

Step by step:
I hit musescore icon (either from dock or app folder).
Pick any template or manually pick instruments.
Write a single note.
Hit any save option (/as/online/selection/copy).
Write file name, hit save.
My mouse cursor starts loading for ages, the app is not responding.

In reply to by TomasJ

Have you checked out the Handbook under "Known incompatibilities"? Also, seems maybe I remember reading something about some browser plugin or other that can cause problems for MuseScore on Mac, although I don't recall having heard anyone report this particular symptom. You might try a search of these forums for related keywords.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

well I haven't had any issues with musescore until now. It happens from day to day. It bothers me so much! I need to work and I can't, I don't want to download any other app. Is there any possibility to download older versions? Maybe it happened after update. I don't know.

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