MuseScore 2 won't open on Windows 10

• Jul 24, 2016 - 16:22

Hi! As you can tell from the subject musescore just wont lunch... I've tried everything.. Help pleasee


What have you tried, and what goes wrong when you try those things? I take it you started by downlaoding 2.0.3. Did you then successfully install it? Any errpor messages during installation? Do you now have a program icon on your desktop? Are you double clicking that? What happens when you do? Does task manager show it running? Did you install as a different account? The more information you can provide about your unique situation, the better people will be able to offer relevant advice.

I'm having the same issue. I've tried reinstalling (no installation errors reported) and restarting the computer, as well as the latest nightly build and the 64-bit build. I've tried to run Musescore as admin from both the desktop shortcut and directly from the .exe in the bin folder. It doesn't open, and there are no error messages. The task manager doesn't list Musescore as running, either. I've also tried running MS from command line with the same results.

I'm running Windows 10 Home, recently upgraded from Windows 7, and my system has 16 GB of RAM, if that's relevant.

In reply to by JAAndrews

I suggest you revert to Win7 while you can (System Restore, if possible); the 'free upgrade' to Windows 10 is known to be highly problematic and Microsoft offers no real help for that. Following an upgrade from Win 8 to Win10, one of our associate editors had to F-disk his entire computer and re-install Win8 just to make the machine functional again.

In reply to by Recorder485

Installing the online update to Windows 10 does sometimes result in an unstable system. This happened to my wife.

In our case, we elected to download a Windows 10 ISO installation image and do a fresh Windows 10 install (not an upgrade). It worked well. It is important to back up all the data on your Windows drive first (C: drive usually).

There are things about Windows 10 that bother me, and FWIW I don't even use Windows at all any more because of some of those reasons. But reverting to Windows 7 seems to also have its risks in terms of a stable system.

Of course if that revert to 7 fails to satisfy, you still have the option to do a fresh Win 10 install.

Another thing to try: execute the MuseScore command from a DOS window, or use "Win+R" key combination, with this command:

musescore -F

this is designed to start MuseScore and set program settings to defaults.

There are even more command line options that can be used but this one is the best starting point.

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