
• Apr 27, 2012 - 01:43

Some scores have a timecode above the system - should this something filed in the tracker, or does something exist in MuseScore to create this?

Attachment Size
Timecode.png 23.8 KB


It's just a text in a box no?

Ctrl + T -> enter your text -> Change font to arial -> Right click on text -> Text property -> Check Box -> Change round, margins etc...

Attachment Size
timecode.mscz 1.51 KB

Some film scores have this so the conductor knows at what point in the scene a particular phrase or chord should take place.

What would be really neat for film composers using MuseScore is to be able to insert this directly from Jack Control when using that to write in sync with film.

Just an idea :)

Thanks for the example lasconic.

Do you think we need a 'timecode' function that can make this easier and quicker?

I'm also thinking about MusicXML.

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