Synthesizer and Playback not available

• Nov 28, 2016 - 21:39

I am unable to playback my note entry. The Playback, Rewind, and Loop buttons are greyed out. When I choose View | Synthesizer; the Synthersizer option is greyed out and not available as well. I have the correct SF installed in the right location. Any ideas


In reply to by m2bryant

Be sure to have the latest version (2.0.3), and reinstall if necessary as well as running the factory reset again afterwards. If that doesn't fix it, please post the settings you see in Edit / Preferences / I/O, also be sure you see FluidR3 listed in View / Synthesizer.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

Verified I have the latest version: 2.0.3 revision 3c7a69d
Tried the repair function - no luck
Uninstalled / reinstalled - Verified I have the correct SF : FluidR3Mono_GM.sf3 - no luck
Tried the factory reset again
Still no luck.
Since I can't get to the Synthesizer (it is greyed out in View | Synth) I can not confirm FluidR3 is listed
Settings in Edit | Preferences | I/O:
PortAudio is checked
Nothing is available to choose from API: Device: or MIDI Input they are all blank and there is nothing to choose from in the dropdown menus.
JACK Audio server is not checked
Tried the Reset All Preferences to Default button - no change.
Tried selecting JACK Audio Server - Apply - no change

Very strange. any other ideas? appreciate the help

In reply to by m2bryant

It worked perfectly on my computer. It's not the file itself causing the problem. That narrow it down to MS (you reset it a couple of times so that is unlikely) or your system either hardware or software.

I have the same set up you do. Windows 10, MS 2.0.3 revision 3c7a69d.

Do you have a MIDI device that might be interfering somehow with MS? I don't have a MIDI device so I have no place to start looking to see if that is the problem. If you do have one, try to disconnect it and see what happens. Shoichi and Marc Sabtella are among the programmers for MS. One of the programmers will see this and help figure it out.

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