Fixed bar counts

• Oct 26, 2012 - 18:15

I'm doing some musical analysis and I want to compare different passages note for note. To do this, I'd like line up the various versions vertically. They are 4 bars each.

How can I do this? I think it involves two things ... how can I specify 4 bars per line .... and then will the software keep the bar lines themselves lined up (adding space where needed if there are no notes), etc.

Something like this:

| a | a | a | a |
| b | b | b | b |
| c | c | c | c |

Such that there are 4 bars on each line ... and vertical columns are lined up.



You can insert line breaks anywhere you like - click a barline, hit Enter. Or use Plugins->Break Every X Measures to automatically create breaks. Then go to Style->Edit General Style->System and check the "Fix Measure Wdith" option. Note there is also an option there to use a set number of measures per line, but this doesn't work as well in my experience as setting line breaks yourself.

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