i just lost all my work

• Apr 5, 2017 - 02:10

My computer was being buggy so i saved my work then restarted it. when it turned back on, all i could find was my first save of the score and lost all my progress. i was able to find it in the bin but everytime i try to open it i get an error saying it cant read my file.


Try searching for all files with the .mscz folder and see if it turns up someplace unexpected.

At some point on my second session, my filename and path became... weird.

Where it was Name.mscz in my Documents/Musescore/Scores folder, somehow the filename became something like gwapobass_documents_musecore_scores_name.mscz, and I found it under the Applications directory.

This was on a Mac, so your install will vary, but I did find my file by searching for... I searched for everything with the .mscz extension and was relieved to find it.

I think I triggered it with an inadvertent "Save As". This was my second night with the program, but I didn't quite panic when I seemed to have lost 3 hours of work.



I appears from looking at the MSCZ file in an editor that the data for the thumbnail and MSCX file did not write correctly and the write error occurred somewhere before writing the META-INF folder information, perhaps while writing the container.xml file. Since I don't know the code that writes this I can't tell what might have happened in that process. There are thousands of spaces (ascii 32) in the zipped file at the end of the container.xml file. Hopefully this will help someone in debugging this.

There are 2 ways for this bug to be found.

1. Someone makes a score that does this and remembers everything they did to make the score - not going to happen.
2. Someone is running MuseScore in debug mode and this happens to them and they find out where it goes bad - maybe one day.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz


edit: if you are on windows there are probably some files named $xx#x##x.mscx in the recycle bin. You CAN open those by double clicking them to see if one of them is your lost file. I have several from the last time my power went out and MuseScore suddenly closed. If they have a comma at the end, they are probably duplicates of the ones without the commas, but you can rename them by right clicking and selecting properties. Delete the comma and tell windows you want to save it.

Find the files by opening file explorer searching .mscx from the root directory.

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