mscore-3.0 arbeitet mit falschen (US-englischen) Keyoard-Einstellungen
Ich arbeite mit der mscore-devel-version 3.0 (MuseScoreNightly-201709071127-master-3319f3a-x86_64.AppImage) unter LINUX-Fedora-26. Mein Keyboard ist ein deutsches Keyboard, und das funktioniert auch so mit allen LINUX-Anwendungen. Lediglich unter mscore-3.0 wird das Keyboard als US-Keyboard behandelt, z.B. wenn ich einen Notenzeilentext eingebe, sind y und z vertauscht, us.f.
Unter mscore-2.0 tritt das Problem nicht auf.
Try a reset to factory settings, that should result in the new setup wizard to set the language and keyboard up for you.
And mind that here we're in an English part of the forum 😉
version 3 comes with a separate keyboard layout setting (it should've asked you on first run).
I didn't directly find a location in the GUI to change what it has stored; but if you open up the preferences file (unsure how that works with AppImage or if it even is easily possible) around line 30 you should find the line firstStart=false.
Make sure MuseScore is closed and remove that line from the configuration.
Now restart your nightly and the first start wizard should appear and ask you for your language and keyboard layout.
In reply to version 3 comes with a… by jeetee
Jetee, Thanks for your answer, but I have no success: I removed the "firstStart=false" line, started mscore again: selecting the German keyboard types T1 or T2, but both didn't give me the right result: the keyboard still works as an US keybord.
In reply to Jetee, Thanks for your… by Joachim Backes
Let's see what Jojo has to say on this, as I have a Belgian keyboard (which does work as it should) so I can't really further investigate easily.
But it is sounding very buglike to me, so please do add this as an issue in the tracker.
In reply to Let's see what Jojo has to… by jeetee
And I don't have Linux, in Windows it works for me
See #251291: mscore-3.0 is unable to use german keyboards on Linux/wayland (just connecting the dots)