Beams and time-signatures

• Apr 30, 2013 - 01:11

My group plays music from the Balkans, and in 80% of the cases we're dealing with odd time signatures. These include not only 7/8 or 9/8, but also 15/16, 25/16, 11/8 and it does not stop there.

When we import music from Finale to MuseScore though XML (MusicXML), we generally lose the correct beams over the notes. Just as an example, if we import a piece in 9/8 originally beamed as 2-2-2-3, the result in MuseScore is beamed as 3-3-3 which is completely wrong. It would comprise a lot of work to correct a completed song in MuseScore. Admittedly, we did not enough tests to say that it is always wrong.
Though it is possible to set a time signature like 2-3-2-2/8, MuseScore will NOT beam like that, not even in the simplest case with only 8th notes in a measure.
Any player of odd time signatures, would rather see 11/8 than (for example) 2-2-3-2-2/8 at the beginning of a staff.

When I put the above together, MuseScore would be greatly enhanced and finally useable for a group like mine, if we would have the possibility to provide any time-signature in the simplest form (like 9/4 or 18/16 or 6/8), and also a hint to the automatic beaming in some form of (for example) 2-2-2-3.

So we need two fields to set before starting a composition: one field for the simple signature, and one (optional) field for the beaming.
For example, entering 4/4 and leaving the beaming empty, you get it beamed 2-2 by default. Entering 8/8 and you wil get it beamed 2-2-2-2. And attention now, entering 8/8 plus a beam of 3-3-2, one should have it beamed like 3-3-2, and would have effectively created an odd signature in 8/8... Not all classical build people would agree on that, but 3-3-2 is an odd measure, if you are also prepared to play 2-2-3-2-3 or much worse.
There is really no problem if one enters 9/8, leaving the beaming empty, and thus getting 3-3-3 beams. Truth is, that anyone to create a 9/8 song, will always enter a beam like 2-2-2-3 or 3-2-2-2 (both are common) or otherwise a rare variant like 2-3-2-2.

And even then, it should be easy to insert one meausure with a completely different signature and beaming, which needs those two fields to set again on a single measure base.

So, apart from the above proposal to enhancement, there is still the problem of import from XML. I have no idear if MusicXML provides also for beams (it should), but I suspect a real bug there. I will get to a bug report in the right forum after we've tested better.

Good luck,


First, you can change the beaming of any measure individually by overriding the beaming algorithm of MuseScore. This is already possible in MuseScore 1.3. See Beam .

Second, there is indeed a need for a new feature to be able to customize the automatic beaming done by MuseScore. There is a feature request for it #7491: An option to choose how you want to group notes in a measure. It's currently being worked on for next version, check the last comments there.

In reply to by [DELETED] 5

I'm continually impressed by how much is going into 2.0 - thaks for all the hard work!

Meanwhile, I did a quick test, and at least in the case I tried, beaming *is* preserved in MusicXML export and import in Musescore. I can create a score in MuseScore, override beaming in various ways, export to MusicXML, then load that MusicXML file and find all beaming exactly as I left it. So if you are finding beaming is *not* being preserved in some given MusicXML you have, I'd say it's quite likely the fault is with whatever program produced that MusicXML - it is probably not including the correct beaming info. Posting the MusicXML file in question would help determine that. Of course, it could be that the info is in the file but in a form that MuseScore doesn't recognize and should.

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