Check Harmony Rules Plugin Question

• Sep 21, 2017 - 04:40

When using the MuseScore 2.0 plugin, Check Harmony Rules, I am getting errors that read "open 5" and "open 8". The textbook I am using to study harmony (The Complete Musician by Laitz) does not discuss these rules, at least not using this terminology. Nor did a bit of googling yield anything fruitful.

What are the "open 5" and "open 8" errors? Are they voice leading errors?


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Between Bass and soprano:
first one is Parallel 5th: B,F to C,G (Moved in the same direction with 5th interval)
second one is Parallel 8th: F,F to G,G (Moved in the same direction with 8th interval)
Both are contains "open error"; because they are "skips over" more than one chord tone between each voice.

Also: there is a hidden parallel 8th error, between Alto and Soprano. // Soprano: (b),g (a),f; Alto (b), (a)
And: on "V" chord: 3th is missing!

In reply to by iamspencermoore

First is direct 5th: (both parts moved to same direction) E to F# and A to C# = F#, C#. result is direct 5th.
Second is hidden parallel 5th: G to (g# to) A and D to E -> G, D - A,E is parallel 5th but hidden (by g#).

It is important to evaluate according to which school.
In some schools, the conditions allowed may be prohibited on the other.

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