partitura com cinco pautas

• Nov 19, 2017 - 21:17

Olá pessoal, boa noite!
Eu abri uma partitura de violão em midi no MuseScore e ela aparece configurada com cinco pautas sendo que, na primeira aparece toda a melodia e nas outras quatro, os baixos...
Gostaria de saber se é possível configurar para que ela seja exibida em uma única pauta pois, sou deficiente visual, usuária do leitor de telas nvda e, a configuração desta forma, dificulta muito a leitura.

Muito obrigada!
Paula Pinhoni


There is a Portuguese forum as well, see and

Google translate:
Hello people good night!
I opened a guitar score in midi on MuseScore and it appears configured with five prompts being that in the first one the whole melody appears and in the other four the basses ...
I would like to know if it is possible to configure it so that it is displayed in a single staff, because I am visually impaired, users of the nvda screen reader, and the configuration in this way makes it very difficult to read.

Thank you!
Paula Pinhoni

I guess your MIDI has 5 channels, so the import makes 5 instruments from that. I don' t think MuseScore can automatically merge those 5 separate MIDI channels into one staff

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