multimeasure rest won't work on measure 1

• Nov 2, 2009 - 13:00

As explained here:
Break multi-measure rests. This property separates a multi-measure rest at the current measure. If the current measure contains a change of time signature then MuseScore marks this property automatically.

This should be changed for the first measure, otherwise it's impossible to have a multi-measure rest at the beginning of a part. In fact if the property is un-checked it is automatically re-enabled.

Kind regards,


What version of MuseScore are you using?

For what it is worth there doesn't seem to be any problems in the latest nightly build . Multi-measure rests are not fully supported in versions 0.9.5 and earlier. In the next release they will be much better supported.

In reply to by David Bolton

Ok it seems to work in nightly build (0.9.6) but is there a way to select not to interrupt multi-measure rests for multiple measures (this is importing existing scores)? I tried through styles, but nothing changes.. the only thing that seems to work is setting the property for each measure.


Hi sure.. Here's the file. I would like to "condense" all the initial rests to a multi-rest, If I change the styles I only get single multi-rest like symbols but still separated measures. The only way is to manually change the property for each measure.

PS: please ignore the strange page layout... it's not a bug but in the file :)

Attachment Size
amor_fortuna.xml 7.82 KB

In reply to by lorenzosu_

Out of curiosity how was the file created?

The problem with the measures is they aren't proper full measure rests. The only way I could workaround the problem was the following procedure for each measure.

  1. Click to select one of the rests
  2. On the note entry toolbar select quarter note
  3. On the note entry toolbar select half note again
  4. On the note entry toolbar select the augmentation dot (notice that the measure now has a proper full-measure rest)
  5. Right click on an empty part of the measure and choose "Measure Properties..."

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