Runtime error

• Mar 3, 2018 - 20:16

I am having a problem that I tried copying a measure from one score to another but when I did it said that the tuplets cannot cross barlines. I checked and there were no tuplets over barlines. Then I tried deleting tuplets and the second one I deleted came up with the error in the picture then musescore shut down. I tried doing this multiple times and The same thing happened each time.
I copyed the 4th measure from the copy score to the paste score. And I deleted 2 of the three 3rd voice triplets on that measure.


In reply to by Xdroid19

Try selecting the measure (I used selection filter)


Change the Time Signature on 'Paste' ->Paste. (Or right-click the measure ->Bar Properties and change the 'Actual' value to 4/4)


I can see some suspected rests (Voice 3). I think they are side effects of copy&paste


Indeed, the fourth measure presents a problem. The algorithms for triplets are bit approximate and sometimes things that technically wouldn't overlap still get flagged as if they would do to round-off error in the calculation of the note lengths. In this case it seems to be the quarter notes in voice 3 creating the confusion; the error goes away if you delete those. I notice if I swap voices 1 & 3, I get some strange additional rests, suggesting there was a problem with the initial file anyhow.

I think the problem is the deleted rests in voice 3 are making it difficult for MuseScore to figure out exactly where to place the quarter. Works better if you hide the rests.

I couldn't reproduce a crash, but if you can find the exact sequence of steps that led to it, we can investigate further.

In reply to by Marc Sabatella

I filed a bug report relating to this, see #270043: Corruption on deleting initial rest in voice 2 tuplet.

I propose we disallow deleting rests within tuplets, as these sorts of problems will be hard to fix otherwise. Unfortunately, that isn't enough to help with scores that already have this going on. I can actually create corruptions or crash or other errors in multiple ways given your score, and probably there are lots of places in the code where these sorts of holes won't be handled well.

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