Midi or Music XML into DAW

• Mar 4, 2018 - 18:30


I want to mix and master the track/score that I have done in Muse Score. To Mix and Master I'm using Logic Pro.

So my question is: To import the track that I have done in Muse Score into Logic Pro, do I need to import the "Music XML" file or "Midi" file?


In reply to by tariqhisny

MuseScore is happy to export either. As for which Logic Pro can work with better, that really is a question for a Logic forum. MusicXML definitely has much more complete information than MIDI, but not all DAW's are capable of making use of it, and the more simplistic info in the MIDI might turn out to be easier for it to deal with. Depends totally on your DAW.

This also assumes you intend to spend lots of time not just mixing and mastering but actually tweaking individual note events and so forth - and that you have already configured it with VST instruments or other means of playing back the score using sounds at least as good as those built in to MuseScore. if not, you are far better off simply using the mixer within MuseScore, and generating WAV, then doing any final mastering (shouldn't be much if anything required - we already do level compression) in Logic.

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