Flip stem direction anomaly

• May 3, 2018 - 18:51

While fooling around with the files posted here.

I stumbled upon something amiss in this file, maybe related:


In measures 1 & 3 in the "Something weird..." section the heads are set to Mirror head = Right rather than auto in all of the other measures.

In reply to by mike320

Ah... the applied mirror setting 'sticks' when reversed.
In other words:
1. You mirror a notehead
2. 'Put it back' by mirroring again (instead of undo)
3. The setting 'sticks' - so, if later, the stem gets flipped the notehead remains on the same side of the stem.


In reply to by Jm6stringer

This is actually consistent with other elements. If there are 3 options; such as auto, up, or down; if you use x to flip the item such as to up, the next x will always make it the opposite such as down. A second x is never an undo unless there are only two options. Other elements that this applies to includes stem, slurs and ties.

Edit: What I do consider a problem is that ctrl+r does not reset the positions to auto. I'm not sure if it was designed this way, but ctrl+r should reset all values to the default.

In reply to by mike320

That's a good point about the 3 options vs. 2 options as related to 'undo'.

Also, I completely missed the mirror head setting in the Inspector, and so I was using Ctrl+R to reset everything. That, as you know, didn't work.
(Typically, when things get out of hand, Ctrl+R is my friend. It brings back 'normalcy'.)


In reply to by mike320

At one time I do believe there was fairly specific thinking about what Ctrl+R would and wouldn't reset - this was before there was an Inspector. Over time I think things drifted. Probably could stand revisiting. It's tempting to say it should reset "everything" but I suspect there are some common use cases that actually work better if we only reset "some" things but not others.

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