Can't build MuseScore 2.2.1

• May 4, 2018 - 13:58

I successfully build MuseScore 3.0 . I tried to build MuseScore 2.2.1 and error is occurred . I followed all the instructions for Ubuntu 12.04 to build MuseScore. Please help me to fix this error.

ERROR - ":-1: error: [manual/CMakeFiles/genManual.dir/genManual_automoc.cpp.o] Error 1"

Attachment Size
Screenshot from 2018-05-04 18-26-49.png 232.71 KB


If you hit the "Compile Output" button at the bottom of the QtCreator window, you'll get more useful info on what the actual problem is. My guess for now is that you don't have the necessary Qt 5.4 libraries on your system in addition to the more recent version you obviously do have since you were able to build master.

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