1st time Piano / 2nd time Forte dynamics

• May 20, 2018 - 11:47

Is there a smart way to have the realistic dynamics replay when having between two bars the same sequence with different dynamics without expanding the measures? Ex. 1st time Piano / 2nd time Forte
I tried putting the measure just before the start bar the Piano and at the end of the last measure (just before replay bar) the Forte but there's no change that I can be notice.
Any suggestion would be helpful. Many thanks.


In reply to by -ANDRE-

Just thinking out loud here.

I'm wondering if something like this could be addressed in the future via the 'play count' under measure properties, or in some confluence with the staff properties dialogue. As I understand it, Measure properties seem to function vertically affecting all parts in the same measure, so perhaps this would not be feasible.

Or... would it be possible to create a "hidden volta" that could contain playback instructions for specific repeats? With this, you could assign things like dynamics, toggling muting of parts, octave transposition, etc., to sections of the score. (Am I imagining reading a recent topic about having certain parts only play on the first or second repeat? )

Anyway, this is just a thought, and I doubt that it is as simple to accomplish as I would hope.


In reply to by mike320

I had a quite recent chat about this with lasconic. The idea for implementation would be to give each element a 'RepeatList' property as now exists for the Volta. We pretty much agreed on it being the most flexible and 'clean' implementation method.
It however also means reworking a lot of how the playback is rendered, because it now has to be able to check on each element if it is active/applicable for that pass of the 'unrolled' score. It influences how tempo/dynamics/notes/... are parsed and changes the file format.

I've been playing with hopefully implementing it for MuseScore 3; but in the grand scheme of priorities (life/job/available time on the one hand vs musescore open issues on the other) it just hasn't made it to the top of the list (yet).

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