Guitar, hide string numbers

• Jun 10, 2018 - 17:38


I'm having a guitar score + tabs.
The score is defaulting to showing string-numbers on all notes. How do I remove those?


Do: right-click on a string number -> Select -> All similar elements -> Del
(eventually pres shortcut "V" to hide them, and to keep a few numbers if needed later?)

In reply to by G-Sun

"as they will return on new input, right?"

Why they will return? If you do not input new string numbers, there will be no new ones.
What kind of score do you use? A file imported from another format I guess: out by curiosity, can you attach it (or an excerpt: menu "File" -> Save selection)

In reply to by G-Sun

That's not the score, but just a picture of it. Anyhow, none of those circled numbers should show automatically, if you want them you have to enter them manually, if you don't want them, don't enter them.
Possibly they got into the score via some XML or GuitarPro import or some such? A look at the real score might reveal...

In reply to by G-Sun

No trace of it having been imported, the 'source' filed in score properties is empty.
But seems the staves are not really linked, they do show as linked in the instruments dialog, but don't akt as such, i.e. entring notes in one of the 2 staves of each pair don't make them show in the other linked one.
However, no string numbers/fingerings show when entering notes, so I don't quite get what ypour issue is?

Anyway, compare attached score, created from scratch, copieped your notes accross

Attachment Size
Gitarren.mscz 23.71 KB

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