Correcting Rests Incorrectly Conflated

• Jun 24, 2018 - 12:05

Strangely, after importing a MusicXML file, there are one or two places where MuseScore is not conflating rests correctly. Viz below, where the three quaver ('eighth-note') rests should appear as one dotted crotchet (dotted quarter note) in the 6/8 (compound) time signature.

I can't find it in the Handbook. (i) How can I correct this, or better still, (ii) how can I ensure MuseScore gets it right consistently, without the user having to fix basic notational errors from the software?

Thanks in advance!

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rests_incorrectly_conflated.gif 1.71 KB


Answering my own post, I managed to fix this by deleting the offending rests and inserting the correct, conflated rest. It would be good if MuseScore could do this automatically.

MuseScore generally honors what is actually in the MusicXML file. If it contains two eighth rests, that is what we display - we don't attempt to "correct" what someone apparently took the trouble to enter. If you believe the MusicXML did not in fact contain this notation, please atach the file in question so we can investigate further. From the look of your file, it appears something odd is happening as the spacing is not regular, My guess is the MusicXML contained a corruption or other error in addition to having the three eighth rests. We'd need to see the MusicXML file to see.

But for instance, if you take a score in 6/8, enter a dotted quarternote and dotted quarter rest, export to MusicXML, then import, you'll see you get exactly what you started with. So if the MusicXML is created correctly, MuseScore should import it correctly.

That said, if you do find yourself in a situation where for whatever reason rests aren't grouped properly, try Layout / Regroup Rhythms.

In reply to by Film Composer

Indeed, see my response to that issue elsewhere - this is actually correct notation according to Gould and many other editors in compound meter. It is true that some do prefer using quarter rests. Gould actually says that while it's preferably to show the two eighth rests, it is acceptable combine them at the beginning but not end of a beat. In any case, if you prefer to combine them, you can simply do so manually - click the first, press 5.

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