Keyboard 'tab' to new treble score?

• Aug 26, 2018 - 02:10

When I am starting a new score in MuseScore on Windows is there a way to get to Treble Clef in this dialog box using the keyboard alone? I would expect tab to work but that jumps between score groupings.

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Screenshot 2018-08-26 00.14.03.png 52.49 KB


In reply to by dumbledad

It's in the development build indeed, but do realize it's for testing purpose only, not for real-world use. Scores created in a development version will almost literally self-destruct long before the actual release (they probably won't open correctly). To get a development build, see the Download menu above, scroll down to the nightly build section, you want a "master" build.

In reply to by dumbledad

There is seldom a better answer then "when it's ready", but I can tell you that MuseScore is going to be a huge release and we haven't even had an alpha phase yet, so the time will almost certainly be measured in months, and you might need more than one hand to count them...

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