copy and paste?

• Nov 7, 2018 - 20:56

There are 20 bars of a scene which reoccur in a later dance. I would like to copy the 20 bars of score from one score and paste it in the other score without opening and closing files and going back and forth. There are 15 staves.
I do not quite understand the copy and paste instructions. (ex. what is a clipboard?)

I know this seems "noobish" but can I make a pdf and copy and paste from it?


Opening the two scores and switching between them seems easier


The clipboard is a temporary file that contains your notes, the one you usually use when in a text processor you use Ctrl+C

There's no need to close and open scores time mm e and time again, just have them both open and copy from one tab and paste into the other

Two answer your other questions, not that they are necessarily still relevant:

No, you can't copy and paste from PDF. MuseScore can only work with data in its own internal format.

The clipboard is the general term all programs use to describe the special place where things "go" when you do a "copy" or a "cut" operation. When you copy or cut something, it goes to that special place; when you paste, that's what gets pasted.

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