Adjustable bracket

• Nov 12, 2018 - 20:11

For educational purposes, I would like to create a bracket that matches the height of the space between the treble and bass staves on a grand staff. I can press Z and see several brackets, but none are adjustable. Is there an adjustable bracket or similar solution? (I'd also like the option to create a left or right facing bracket, just like you can change the stem direction of a note using X.)



In reply to by Shoichi

Thank you! However, it doesn't appear that I can...

(1) make the bracket exactly the height I want (it snaps to the height of the grand staff)
(2) position the bracket exactly where I want it to be
(3) create a left-facing bracket

Any other ideas?

In reply to by darkstream

Might help if you attached a picture (ideally from published music) so we can understand better what you mean. The brackets on the palette definitely size according to the staff, which is I thought what you said you wanted. If you just want some sort of general user-adjustable bracket, probably best you can do is using the Lines palette, or using a program like Inkscape.

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