Multi-Measure Rest...

• Nov 24, 2018 - 17:25

How can I enter a Multi-Measure rest?


In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

Multi-Measure Rest with Pressing M is combining the measure 1 & 2 in the following score.
How can I enter the bar represented in the 2nd measure in attached without having 1st measure which is a pick up (1/4) impacted?

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In reply to by nezihc

How can I enter the bar represented in the 2nd measure in attached without having 1st measure which is a pick up (1/4) impacted?
To get this...
To the pickup, add an invisible note in voice 2 and uncheck 'Play' in the Inspector.

Have a look: MM_rest.mscz
(Use menu item: View, and put a checkmark in 'Show Invisible' to see the hidden note.)

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