CMakeCache.txt and cmake.check_cache files in VS2017

• Nov 24, 2018 - 18:26

After getting MuseScore up and running in VS2017, these two files have changed. Git views them as changes too. If I ignore them, then git changes .gitignore, which is also a git file and now git asks me to check in my changes there too. I've undone the .gitignore changes, so I'm back to these two files being changed.

What should I do about this?


I don't see these in my build. Just remove them?

Edir: I do have them in the mscv.build_x64 directory, but there they do get ignored by git.

In reply to by Jojo-Schmitz

I think I see the real problem now. It's when I open Qt Creator that it creates these files. This morning I opened it out of habit, then closed it. Just now I opened it to edit a .ui file and it created these text files.

In reply to by sideways

Do you build in both VS2017 and Qt Creator now? Qt Creator is not opening the MuseScore project properly now that I have migrated to 2017. So it creates these two files, but then fails and bails out. I see no project tree, but I can open .ui files from File/Open... and edit them. Is there a way to configure things so both VS2017 and Qt Creator can parse the Makefile?

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