Bug in drum input?

• Sep 27, 2013 - 20:20

I have a problem with this musescore file in version 1.3 5702:
in measure 154 I can no longer enter the first two beats. How do I solve this? Somehow the input got confused when starting to input 2nd voice note at the end of the two previous measures. Any way to solve this?

Attachment Size
Snackaert-Concertino.mscz 30.51 KB


I get this a lot and generally what I have to do is delete the measure and redo it.

It may have to do with rests. I used to delete them from the second voice; now I move them and/or make them invisible; this seems to help reduce the occurrence of the problem.

In reply to by drumcat

Deleting rests is not normally possible in voice 1, but it is in other voices, and I have reservations about whether it should be, because once the rests are gone, you end up in this weird place where you can't enter anything else. Normally you'd still have the contents of voice 1, but I can easily imagine drum input creating situations where it becomes possible to have deleted rests in voice 1, which is what appears to have happened here. If you ever find steps to reproduce this, it would be worth trying in a nightly build of the eventually-upcoming 2.0 release to see if you can recreate the problem there.

Anyhow, while a complete deletion and re-insertion of the affected measure(s) is normally needed to fix corruptions, this particular case seems like it can be fixed the same way you'd recover deleted rests in voice 2: edit / voices, exchange 1-2 and then back again.

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