Division symbol?

• Dec 3, 2018 - 16:18

Is there a division symbol available on the Master Palette? Or a workaround? When searching, I can find plus, minus and multiplication signs, but no division sign.



In reply to by darkstream

MuseScore provides musical symbols normally, but regular fonts provide regular symbols. There are certainly division symbols in many fonts. while typing text, press F2 for Special Characters, then have a ball (hint: try the Latin-1 Supplement, which is where the Unicode standards says this character should go). If your favorite font doesn't provide this symbol try another. It's up to the font, though, not MuseScore.

Create the sign in another program (for instance, using ubuntu studio I can get it by typing [AltGr]- then [Shift]-' [apostrophe] in a Calc spreadsheet).

Create a Stave Text in MuseScore ([Ctrl]t).

Copy the symbol from the other application and paste it into MuseScore and then adjust its size to your liking.

Now, using custom palletes, drag that symbol to a suitable, blank space for future use.

In reply to by Shoichi

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obelus :
In Microsoft Windows, the obelus is produced with Alt+0247 on the number pad or by pressing Alt Gr+⇧ Shift++ when an appropriate keyboard layout is in use. In classic Mac OS and macOS, it is produced with ⌥ Option+/.

On UNIX-based systems using Screen or X with a Compose key enabled, it can be produced by composing : (colon) and - (hyphen/minus), though this is locale- and setting-dependent. It may also be input by Unicode code-point on GTK-based applications by pressing Control+⇧ Shift+U, followed by the code point in hexadecimal (F7) and terminated by return.

In the Unicode character set, the obelus is known as the "division sign" and has the code point U+00F7. In HTML, it can be encoded as ÷ or ÷ (at HTML level 3.2), or as ÷.

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