MuseScore 3 - Snapshot doesn't work correctly (copy option)

• Dec 20, 2018 - 22:50

Onfortunately the copy-option of the snapshot tool does not work correctly. Look at the attached (inkscapegenerated) pdf- file with two pasted images inside; the first one is copied via the copy-option of the snapshot-context-menu, the second one I did via the save as...-option.

As you can see text size is much too big in the first one, second one looks like expected.

Attachment Size
SnapshotMS3.pdf 64.25 KB


It's proving difficult to get a handle on this issue, it works perfectly for many but on certain system it doesn't. Then some proposed fixes help some people but don't help others and/or break it for people for whom it was previously working. Seems to depend on factors including OS, system configuration, and screen resolution. But, it's being worked on and hopefully we'll get it figured out.

Luckily, although it's quite unfortunate, the workarounds are not bad at all. The "save as" option does indeed work correctly, and there are plenty of third part screen-capture programs out there (Windows at least comes with such a utility pre-installed, I'd be surprised if other OS's didn't as well).

In reply to by [DELETED] 1831606

It's being worked on and hopefully we'll have a solution soon, if not for initial release than in an update (these are planned to be much more frequent than before).

Meanwhile, though, as I said, the workaorund is just to use the similar feature provided by your OS, or any of the various third-party screenshot tools. Shouldn't need to resort to saving files (although I end up needing to do this only because the forums require files rather than copy/paste).

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