Shift-clicking on multiple adjacent rests should have a convenient "Combine" method which groups rest into a rest of greater val

• Oct 13, 2013 - 07:17

Recently I was working on my project and found an ugly combination of 2 32nd rests, a 16th note rest and an 8th note rest.

I was thinking it would be really convenient if, when shift-clicking adjacent rests that, when combined, are equal to a rest of a longer duration, then right clicking it should give you the option to combine the rests to turn your ugly jumble of two 32nd rests, 1 16th rest and 1 8th rest into a simple quarter rest!

I know this may take some hard code but I think it's possible, and it will be convenient for future members to use this feature.

Thanks for reading!


One way around this is to click on (select) the first rest. Then go up to the note value bar and select the value of rest you want. Clicking on that note button will collapse all succeeding rests needed to create that value rest.

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