Need to center lyrics between the treble and bass clefs

• Jan 10, 2019 - 02:49

I have a single verse for a hymn. The words run into the notes on the treble clef. I've tried using Style -> Text -> Lyrics Odd Lines and using the vertical setting, which does make it better. Unfortunately, the hyphens between syllables don't move with the words, so the hyphens are stuck up higher than the words. I've increased the space between the staves, which also helped some. How can I center the words between the treble and bass clefs and have the hyphens align with the words?

It would also be nice to get all the music on one page, instead of the last two bars on page 2. :-)

The version I uploaded has the lyrics as they were originally placed by the software.


Attachment Size
Jesu_Meine_Freude.mscz 30.23 KB


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